*Old UserName:
*Old Password:
*New Password:
*Confirm Password:

User Registration

As a Tsunami Service Provider for the South China Sea region, the SCSTAC offers web access to Earthquake information, focal mechanism, sea-level observations and enhanced graphical products within the SCS region for visitors. However, only preliminary earthquake information and tsunami messages are accessible for public visitors to avoid misunderstanding. National Tsunami Warning Centers (NTWCs), National Tsunami Contacts (NTCs), and Focal Points (FPs) are eligible to register in this website. The registered users are allowed to access restricted information, including enhanced SCS graphical products and real-time sea-level data. When you submit registration information, a notification email will send to you upon your request is approved.


*User Name:
*Confirm Password:
*Email Address:
*Confirm Email:
*First Name:
*Last Name:
Phone :

User Information:

*User Type:
*Organization Name:
*On-duty Num:
Fax Num:
Office Name:
Post Code: